Embase @ ZB MED –
Your access to the leading medical research database
Get your exclusive and free personalised access to your scientific research
Our offer
Booking with
ZB MED remote access
Use up to seven days at a time
Advance booking required
for non-commercial purposes
How to book your access to Embase
Step by step
- Book one of four slots for Embase with your ZB MED remote access login details in our booking tool einen von vier Nutzungsslots für Embase.
- You will receive two emails. The first e-mail contains your access link to Embase. In the second e-mail from Elsevier you will find your registration number and your one-time password.
- Click on the Embase link (first e-mail) and log in with your access data (second e-mail).
- Elsevier will now ask you to create a user account with your name and password.
- Create this account and use Embase free of charge up to seven days.
You don’t have the ZB MED remote access yet?
- Get registered to the ZB MED remote access here.